Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Lotus Eterne (hasn't came out yet)

The Aston is beautiful, the porche has an exceptional internal layout, but we want something bang in the centre.

That's where the new Lotus Eterne comes in. It has V8 620bhp 5.0 litre 4WD engine, it can do 100kph in 3.02 seconds, its top speed is 315 kph WOW!!!.

But its no lightweight and for once its not small like every other lotus, it is 4.98 metres long with four doors and four seats but the body panels and underneath the structure is all aluminium, altogether weighing roughly two tonnes...... should be lighter.

It will be released in 2015 and will cost roughly 300,00 thousand dollars

Overall I think this is an extremely powerful sports car.....
But I think it would be faster with two seats!!!

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